(Blocking) Resolves the specified host and resets the peer to this address. Use AsyncDNS for a non-blocking resolver. (only usable before connecting).
Sets the peer to the specified IP address and port. (only usable before connecting).
Starts the connection by registering the associated callback handler in the underlying OS event loop.
Changes the default OS configurations for this underlying TCP Socket.
Returns the OS-specific structure of the internet address for the local end of the connection.
Disables(true)/enables(false) nagle's algorithm (default:enabled).
Returns the OS-specific structure of the internet address of the remote network adapter
Sets the remote address as an OS-specific structure (only usable before connecting).
The status code is Status.ASYNC if the call is delayed (yield), Status.ABORT if an unrecoverable socket/fd error occurs (throw), or Status.ERROR if an internal error occured (assert).